Many of our clients are TPAs and consequently the function of being a service provider is engrained in their core business philosophy. But we believe that TPAs are properly positioned to become resource centers for other products. We are fond of saying “If TPAs...
view case studyBetween them, the principals of Nexus have over 55 years experience in the consulting and distribution of insurance products.
Kenneth Walker, CLU
Kenneth Walker, CLU 30+ years life and health insurance experience. Co-developed one of the most successful marketing systems for payroll-deduction universal life insurance using technologically-advanced presentation and enrollment materials. Managed two TPAs with operations in 35 states with nationally-marketed fully insured and self funded product lines. Formed...
Solon Webb, PMP
Solon Webb, PMP 30+ years health underwriting experience. Co-founder of consulting company providing underwriting and actuarial services, including reinsurance solutions, to domestic and international affiliates of Blue Cross Blue Shield, 20+ Blues-owned TPAs, subsidiaries, and joint venture partners. Underwriting Manager for two offshore captive reinsurance companies with...
Case Studies
Nexus has been very successful as a distributor for its Partners. In 2001, Nexus became acquainted with an Illinois based MGU. The MGU had a sizeable book of business that had been developed through previous relationships. They desired to grow, but lacked a marketing strategy and...
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